
Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

  1. This is the Privacy Policy of Idaratut Ta’reef al Shakhsi which is referred to as “ITS”, the “Trust”, “us” or “we” throughout this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy provides details of the way in which we Process Personal Data in line with our obligations under Data Protection Law.
  2. ITS is a department of Al Vazaratus Saifiyah, which is part of the Dawat-eHadiyah organisation whose head is the Dai Al Mutlaq, for purposes of administering the affairs of the Dawoodi Bohra community.
  3. For the purpose of any relevant and applicable Data Protection Legislation the data controller is the ITS Data Co-ordinator, ITS, Badri Mahal, 3rd floor, D.N Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001, India and can be contacted as follows post or by email at privacy@its52.com, or by fax at: +91 22 2264 1737.
  4. Capitalised terms used in this Privacy Policy are defined in the Glossary in Annex I.

2. Background and Purpose

  1. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to explain what Personal Data we Process and how and why we Process it. In addition, this Privacy Policy outlines our duties and responsibilities regarding the protection of such Personal Data. The manner in which we Process data will evolve over time and we will update this Policy from time to time to reflect changing practices. Please read the following carefully to understand our regarding your Personal Data and how we will treat it.
  2. In addition, in order to meet our transparency obligations under Data Protection Law, we will incorporate this Privacy Policy by reference into various points of data capture used by us e.g. application forms etc.

Information we may collect from you

  1. Information you provide directly to us (which in most instances is you, but may be a family member or other person acting under your instruction): Information that you provide either by filling in paper based forms or through forms on our site www.its52.com (the “Site”) or the sites of any Al Vazaratus Saifiyah organisation (affiliated sites), including your local Jamaat, or any other official Dawat-eHadiyah organisation. This includes information provided at the time of registering with any official Dawat organisation, posting material or requesting further services. We may also ask you for information when you register for specific events, such as Miqaats with Huzurala(tus) including Ashara Mubaraka (Miqaat), or when you report a problem with our site, or your ITS records.
  2. Third Parties: Information which is provided with your consent by third parties, such as your local Jamaat or any other official Dawat-eHadiyah organisation, including details of your involvement in local organisations and local Jamaat committees.
  3. Correspondence: If you contact us, we may keep a record of that correspondence.
  4. Research/Surveys: We may also ask you to complete surveys from time to time that we use for research purposes, although you do not have to respond to them. Such research is to allow Al Vazaratus Saifiyah to target various initiatives and programmes such as Taiseerun Nikah or upliftment programmesin a relevant and meaningful way